
Video-photographic experiments


Photographs are technical images, visual representations produced by specially programmed technological devices. They are not realistic reproductions but verisimilars, in the sense that they appear similar to the real thing without being so. Moreover, their character as programmed code has a programming effect. Taking the plausible as true regulates human behaviour in the form of images. And highly conventional modes of action are adopted.

Alongside literal illiteracy there is image illiteracy. Ignorance of images consists in being an unaware spectator of their actual meaning, of their programmed and programming aspect.

Valerio Vincenzo’s experiments reveal the nature of images, the chaos that underlies them and that is continually recoded. They also show the effects that the stratification of images produces on our imagination, the collateral effects of images.

Here we propose a brief journey through some of his experiments of the last decade. We have also included the Magma series, because moving images, videos, follow the same logic and Valerio has devoted similar attention to them as he has to photography.

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