
Rossana Taormina

Rossana Taormina after high school gave space to studies in archaeology but soon moved to Rome for work, where she participated assiduously in the cultural life of the city. Back in Sicily, she rediscovers her passion for drawing and art, so she has experience in advertising and didactic illustration. He resumes his studies and attends the Academy of Fine Arts, graduates from academia and since 2011 is dedicated exclusively to his artistic practice.

Rossana Taormina’s work has been published in several international interior design magazines. Her works appear in specialized magazines and publications of contemporary art in the United States and, in 2018. His research is included in the text DE FIL EN AIGUILLE: La broderie dans l’art contemporain, published by the French publishing house Éditions Pyramyd, edited by Charlotte Vannier, in which he makes a survey about embroidery in contemporary art through the work of 82 international artists.

personal exhibitions:

2018 – by the wind curated by Antonio Sarnari – QUAM (Quadrerie del monastero), Scicli (RG);

2017 – I love maps because they tell lies by Marina Giordano – Galleria Nuvole, Palermo;

2015 – imaginary routes by Katiuscia Pompili – QUAM (Quadrerie del monastero), Scicli (RG);

2013 – Persistences by Ivano Fachin – Kaos Spazio d’Arte, Modica (RG).

group exhibitions (selection):

2018 – Nuvole fa il punto | siciliani 2000 – 2018 edited by Raffaella De Pasquale – Galleria Nuvole, Palermo;

2017 – Quam | Dieci anni_Tecnica Mista edited by Antonio Sarnari – QUAM (Quadrerie del monastero), Scicli (RG);

2017 – The salt of integration IV^ BIENNALE INTERNAZIONALE DI SCULTURA DI SALGEMMA edited by Alba Romano Pace – Villa Sgadari, Petralia Soprana (PA);

2016 – Facie: Self Portraiture Interpreted by 25 Artists by D.Dominick Lombardi – Galerie Protégé, New York;

2016 – ON THE DESIGNING talk/collective (Balsamo, Bazan, Cipolla, De Grandi, Taormina) by Raffaella De Pasquale – Galleria Nuvole, Palermo;

2015 – HEAD curated by D. Dominick Lombardi – Hampden Gallery, University of Massachusetts, Amherst;

2014 – The Contemporary Art Project Contemporary Deception curated by Sasha Vinci – SITE CHURCH, Scicli (RG);

2014 – Arte al Metro – anti-consequential generation curated by Antonio Sarnari – QUAM (Quadrerie del monastero), Scicli (RG);

2013 – Hotel Gilgamesh curated by Marco Pieraccini and Rafael Vindigni – former church of San Carlo dei Barnabiti, Florence;

2012 – Inauguration of QUAM by Antonio Sarnari – QUAM (Quadrerie del Monastero), Scicli (RG);

2012 – ARTEinArte 2012 – Estasi Exhibition-Event of Contemporary Art event scheduled for Modica Miete Culture – Chiostro S.Anna, Modica (RG);

2012 – Aemilia ARTquake by Alberto Agazzani – Spazio dei Chiostri di San Domenico, Reggio Emilia;

2011 – Convivio curated by Psike Florence – former church of San Carlo dei Barnabiti, Florence;

2011 – Report action – Isola Poesia 2011, curated by Antonio Sarnari – Galleria di Arte Contemporanea, Vizzini (CT) and Palazzo Platamone, Catania;

2011 – GAF – Young Art Fair – first edition by Antonio Sarnari and Gruppo Asterisco – Caffè letterario Brancati, Scicli (RG).



DE FIL EN AIGUILLE La broderie dans l’art contemporain by Charlotte Vannier, Éditions Pyramid, Paris

rossana taormina – by the wind by Antonio Sarnari
2018 Mixed Technical Editions


Facie: Self Portraiture Interpreted by 25 Artists by D. Dominick Lombardi


HEAD Exibition Catalog by D. Dominick Lombardi

red taormina – imaginary routes by Katiuscia Pompili, Mixed Technical Editions


Gilgamesh Hotels by Maruska Nesti


ORA Award a real opportunity in art – first edition 2011 by Carolina Lio


Island Poetry PoetryActivitiesMusic text by Antonio Sarnari by InterminatiSpazi, GAF – Giovane Arte Fiera by Antonio Sarnari



la Repubblica – 28 May 2017
The maps of “Clouds” as a puzzle to be stitched by Paola Nicita

DAILY OF SICILY – 16 May 2017

From chaos the new geography of emotions by Valentina Di Miceli
I LOVE Sicily n. 128, May 2017 Art inside, Exhibitions in Sicily by Giulia Gueci
sign n262 (April/May 2017)

Rossana Taormina, between maps and (few) lies by Dario Orphée La Mendola


Stonecutter journal – ISSUE 5
a print journal of US-based and international art and literature
biannual edition of fiction, nonfiction, drama, interviews, translations and visual art published by STONECUTTER (Brooklyn NY)
Rossana Taormina – selection of works


artscope 11/12/ 2015
Head at UMASS Amherst
Portraits take it from the top
by John Paul Stapleton (78-79 pp): https://www.slideshare.net/JosephineFatimaMarti/artscope59novdec15finalfinalv3- 59695946

Huffington Post 06/12/2015
Behind the Scenes: Bradley Rubenstein Plus Post HEAD Reflections
by Dominick D. Lombardi: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/d-dominick-lombardi/behind-the-scenes- bradley_1_b_8339028.html?guccounter=1

The New Collectors Book, Fourth Edition
(select artworks for art world professionals as well as those who simply wish to enjoy and acknowledge art) published by Basak Malone LLC (NYC)

(Rossana Taormina – 47 p.)

“If ghosts come from statues” Giampaolo de Pietro, illustrations by Rossana Taormina little poem books illustrated by artists, limited edition, Collana Isola editions

the ALIAS Manifesto – La Mostra, 19 September 2015, Rossana Taormina – la manutenzione dei ricordi by Maria Grosso


OPEN HOUSE MAGAZINE Freepress, Rossana Taormina, (21 p)


“Playing Myrtle Palace”

authors Dora Cordone, Rossana Taormina
educational publication
(Department of Cultural and Environmental Heritage and Public Education Department of Cultural and Environmental Heritage and Lifelong Learning) Sicily Region, Palermo
Rossana Taormina – illustrations and graphics


“Invitation to the Myrtle Palace”

authors Dora Cordone, Rossana Taormina
educational publication
(Department of Cultural and Environmental Heritage and Public Education Department of Cultural and Environmental Heritage and Lifelong Learning) Sicily Region, Palermo
Rossana Taormina – illustrations and graphics



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