“Geografico” is an artistic project based on the journey conceived by Pietro Fortuna, curated by Chambre à Air and coordinated by Lori Adragna. The participating artists – Marc Buchy, Pietro Fortuna, Richard Höglund and Lior Gal – will discuss with Enrico Aresu (canecapovolto), Fabrice Bernasconi Borzì and Gianpiero Vincenzo the themes of theory and practice of contemporary art.
Thursday, 23 May 2019 from 17:00 to 19:00
Riflessioni sulle opere d’arte partendo da “I plan to be forgotten when I’m gone” di Fabrice: Pietro Fortuna, Enrico Aresu, Fabrice Bernasconi Borzì, Marc Buchy, Lior Gal e altri ...
Pubblicato da White Garage su Giovedì 23 maggio 2019
Richiedi informazioni sull'opera Pietro Fortuna meets White Garage: utopia and reality in art